First Class Functions

Typically first class functions are defined as a programming entity that can be :

  • Created at runtime
  • Assigned to a variable or element in a data structure
  • Passed as an argument
  • Returned as the result of a function

By this definition, looking at how Python treats all functions, all functions are first class within Python.

Below we'll see examples of exactly how this looks.

Treating a function like an object

In [3]:
def factorial(n):
    Returns n! or n(factorial)
    e.g 5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2
    return 1 if n < 2 else n * factorial(n-1)



First class analysis

We can show the first class nature of this function object using a few examples.

We can assign the function to a variable, which will invoke the function when calling that variable.

In [7]:
fact = factorial


We can also use the map function, and pass our function as the first argument, allowing that function to be evaluated against the second argument, which is an iterable. Allowing this function to be applied in a successive fashion to all elements of this iterable.

In [8]:
map(factorial, range(10))

[1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880]

Higher-Order Functions

A higher order function is a bit....meta. It can take, as an argument, a function and then returns a function as a result.

The map() example used above is a great example of this.

The built-in sorted() function is another great example of this, within Python. We can pass it an iterable, along with a key that can then be applied in succession to the items in the list.

In [20]:
food = ['eggplant', 'carrots', 'celery', 
        'potatoes', 'tomatoes', 'rhubarb',
        'strawberry', 'blueberry', 'raspberry',
        'banana', 'cherry']

print(sorted(food, key=len))

['celery', 'banana', 'cherry', 'carrots', 'rhubarb', 'eggplant', 'potatoes', 'tomatoes', 'blueberry', 'raspberry', 'strawberry']

Any single argument function can be used in the key argument of the sorted() method.

as a trivial example, we may want to use the reversed order of the characters to sort of words, as this will cause certain clustering of character strings together, such as -berry, and -toes.

In [21]:
def reverse(word):
    Reverse the order of the letters in a given string
    return word[::-1]

print(sorted(food, key=reverse))

['banana', 'rhubarb', 'tomatoes', 'potatoes', 'carrots', 'eggplant', 'celery', 'blueberry', 'raspberry', 'strawberry', 'cherry']

Replacements for map and filter

Map, filter, and reduce are typically offered in functional languages as higher order functions. However, the introduction of list comprehensions and generator expressions have downplayed the value of the map and filter functions, as listcomp's and genexp's combine the job of map and filter.

In [24]:
# Build a list of factorials from 0! to 5!
list(map(fact, range(6)))

[1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120]

In [25]:
# Build a list of factorials from 0! to 5!
# but using list comprehension
[fact(n) for n in range(6)]

[1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120]

In [26]:
# Build a list of factorials of odd numbers up to 5!, using `map` and `filter`
list(map(factorial, filter(lambda n: n % 2, range(6))))

[1, 6, 120]

We can see above that with the map and filter functions, we needed to use a lambda function.

Using a list comprehension can remove this requirement, and concatenate the operations.

In [27]:
# Build a list of factorials of odd numbers up to 5!, using list comprehension
[factorial(n) for n in range(6) if n % 2]

[1, 6, 120]

Anonymous Functions

The example above, where we've utilized map and filter combined with a lambda function leads us into our next example.

The lambda keyword created an anonymous function within a Python expression. However the syntax limits the lambda to be pure expressions. This means that the body of a lambda function can't use other Python statements such as while or try, etc.

These are typically limited in their use because of the lack of the ability to use more complex control structures within the lambda functions. This can lead to unreadable or unworkable results.

However, they can still prove useful in certain contexts, such as list arguments.

In [31]:
food = ['eggplant', 'carrots', 'celery', 
        'potatoes', 'tomatoes', 'rhubarb',
        'strawberry', 'blueberry', 'raspberry',
        'banana', 'cherry']

print(sorted(food, key=lambda word: word[::-1]))

['banana', 'rhubarb', 'tomatoes', 'potatoes', 'carrots', 'eggplant', 'celery', 'blueberry', 'raspberry', 'strawberry', 'cherry']


In [ ]: